Semiconductor shortages worsen, pushed 3C products up 2x !

The wait time for all major semiconductor product categories is up considerably, from 16 weeks in March to 18 weeks in 2021 Q1 This represents the longest lead time, the elapsed time between placing an order and receiving products, that most industry has faced since the COVID-19 pandemic hit.

Automobile and 3C makers expect $180 billion sales lost due to shortages. This lengthened lead time puts most industries in a DANGEROUS ZONE.
These shortages impact almost all industries to some degree, with the heaviest impact falling on industries with long lead times of their own. In particular, the automotive and 3C sectors are projecting $180 billion in lost sales this year due to factories sitting idle while waiting for components.

The shortages are also compounded by conditions in Taiwan, home of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC). Earlier this week, Taiwan's CDC raised its epidemic warning level and is strengthening containment measures. Making things even worse, the island is in the midst of a severe drought, prompting the Taiwan Water Resources Agency to curb delivery to many areas. Hsinchu, the heart of Taiwan's semiconductor industries, is facing water cut offs two days a week, and water reduction plans are expected to decrease supply to all major manufacturers by as much as 15%.

The rapid ascending of commodities price, also included the chemical compounds of PC, PS sheets for Packaging materials like WLCSP carrier tape and precision cover tape for Semi, wafer and precision electronics parts. Nexteck Singapore Pte Limited is standing on price up and longer lead time pressure, however will still take a balance and will stand together with key customers under this difficult time.

Our Products


Cover Tape

ALS, ATA, MT8, TIST 100, 300 grade, Highly transparency


Thermo film

Cover tape film with excellent sealing performance



Dicing Tape,fixing semicon, silicon, GaAs during dicing



Back Grinding Tape,protect circuit surface during back grinding


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