What is ASIC and what it is designed for ?

ASIC stands for Application Specific Integrated Circuit, or simply, a chip that is being designed for a specific task.
Those Integrated Circuits (IC) are usually a combination of Analog circuit such as clock, amplifier and denoising circuit and Digital Block such as multiplexers, registers, arithmetic logic units (ALUs), and computer memory. Basically Digital plane is being used for discrete signals [1,0] and Analog is being used for continuous signals (1–0).

Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) manufactures also provide solutions critical for aerospace applications and products requiring rigorous FIT rates due to terrestrial radiation exposure. A combination of characterization test data, soft-error-aware design flow methodology, qualification, and handling flows allow their end customers multiple options in planning and designing ASICs in a wide variety of applications.

The standard spec in stocks are 110 nm and 180 nm digital processes, the standard cell and SRAM architectures achieved superior neutron test results across voltage and temperature. To further reduce Single Event Effects (SEE), the design offering includes enhanced substrates, redundancy and error correction code (ECC) options.

Nexteck Singapore Pte Ltd., is the key supplier of Reel and Tape materials of Cover Tape and Carrier tapes for ASIC chips packaging in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines.

Our Products


Cover Tape

ALS, ATA, MT8, TIST 100, 300 grade, Highly transparency


Thermo film

Cover tape film with excellent sealing performance



Dicing Tape,fixing semicon, silicon, GaAs during dicing



Back Grinding Tape,protect circuit surface during back grinding


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